Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Post-Depression Life: An Introduction

Job 42:12-17
12 The LORD blessed the latter part of Job's life more than the first. He had fourteen thousand sheep, six thousand camels, a thousand yoke of oxen and a thousand donkeys.  
13 And he also had seven sons and three daughters.  
14 The first daughter he named Jemimah, the second Keziah and the third Keren-Happuch.  
15 Nowhere in all the land were there found women as beautiful as Job's daughters, and their father granted them an inheritance along with their brothers.  
16 After this, Job lived a hundred and forty years; he saw his children and their children to the fourth generation. 
17 And so he died, old and full of years.
Again and again, the same scenario played itself out in my life whilst depressed.  Some song, such as Coldplay’s Fix You perhaps, would be blaring through the speakers of my car, sparking my recurring fantasy.  Though the means always changed, whether it be a hidden tumor, some rare disease, some pill, being struck by lighting, or simply just hitting my head, the end result of my fantasy was the same… healing.  I would go from my state of horrific, torturous emotional paralysis and involuntary negativity, and would return again to a normal heart.  The lightning would strike, BAM, and somehow, as if by magic, the hell would be over.  I would be alive again.  I would look in the mirror and see myself.  Not just the physical body, but me.  I would feel me, and everyone around me.  I would be normal, whole again.  
Some five years have gone since my depression subsided.  It has been absolutely wonderful to no longer be under the thumb of such torment.  My heart is overwhelmed with gratitude, joy, and excitement over no longer “living” as I once was forced to.  However, it has looked little like my fantasy. 
One of my best friends just had half of his liver taken out after they found a cancerous mass in it.  As of right now, it looks like he is going to survive completely.  There is great hope that the surgery was the last of it, that the cancer is gone.  Praise God!
However, things will never ever be the same for him.  The surgery may have saved his life, but it also left him with an enormous scar.  He will carry it for the rest of his life.  Not only that, but that surgery was painful, and so is the recovery process.  Think about that for a moment.   Even the process by which healing came hurt, still hurts, and will leave it’s mark on him, both in body and in spirit.  His life will never be as it was.  Every doctor’s visit will be met with a hint of fear of recurrence.  Every decision made form here on out will be made through a lens of cancer.  Can I eat this?  Should I do that?  Can I drink this?  The doctors have given him a list of new guidelines by which he will have to follow in order to ensure he continues.  He will live every single day with the fear of recurrence in his mind.  Over time that fear will be assuaged, but at each occurrence of his body acting up, the fear of recurrence will jump straight to mind.  He may live to be ninety, and never have cancer ever again.  He will still live with the residual scars of it until the day he dies.
Guys and girls, so it is with depression.  In my fantasy, the catalyst would come and wake me up.  Life would go back to the way it was.  The truth is that there is no going back.  I know what they may make you feel.  I know that hurts you.  That is not my intent.  There is life, love, hope, and goodness on the other side.  It is just going to be different than your life was before.  Life is still good for my friend, but it has changed.  My desire is to give you so much hope, but a hope based on what is real.  I want you to thrive in your post-depression life, and that means not being set up for disappointment by not being told what is true. 
Like my friend with his cancer, you will have to change things in order to live fully, things others may not.   You will have scars, big ones.  There will be an enormous healing process that goes on long after you are depression free.  Your mind and heart has been twisted by pain.  That doesn’t come undone overnight.  It takes faith, hope, love, courage, patience and much more.  You will live the rest of your life with a fear of recurrence.  Over time it will get better, but it will always be there. 
Now, go back up and read that passage on Job again.  Feel the hope in those words.  One of the most famous sufferers of all time.  So famous is his suffering we are speaking of it thousands of years later!  After his suffering, Job was given back what was taken.  Now, at first look we just get excited.  With further thought it hits us that what was taken from him was people.  His children died.  Are those people replaceable?  You know they aren't.  Nobody is replaceable.  You can refill an emptied roll, but you cannot replace a person.  Job was blessed.  His life was good!  However, it was not the same ever again.  He was given new life.
So will you be given new life. It's not that what was disappears completely.  There will always be links to who you were.  Our lives are a whole, not just of the moment.  You are no more you now than you were in the past.  You will simply grow and change.  It is only logical.  Let’s start looking at what is ahead, after you are healed.  Let's let go of the parts of the fantasy that are not real... the instant healing, the return to your old life one hundred percent, the miracle pill, and replace it with the truth.  You are in the fight for your life, and even after depression is defeated, your healing will take a long time.  In some ways (some bad, but some GOOD) you will be forever changed.  You will have new insights into the world.  You will have experienced and survived a torture and torment that is daunting.  In many ways I struggle with feeling like a failure, as most of us do.  I have not achieved much of what I wanted.  However, when I reflect genuinely upon what I have come through, when I remember the true depth of the hell I survived, I know that I have already achieved something great.  Every breath, every wondrous emotion, every time I feel love, sadness, wholeness, it is a victory I once thought impossible.  Most people will never know it, and that's okay.  God knows.  He knows my pain, my struggle.  It has not been lost, nor forgotten.  Nor has yours.  Nor has yours.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Life Without Love

1 Corinthians 13

English Standard Version (ESV)

The Way of Love

13 If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned,[a] but have not love, I gain nothing.
Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful;[b] it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

There is something transcendent about this passage.  You don't have to believe in Jesus to be moved by it.  The idea that life without love is nothing is universal.  It speaks to everyone.  Love is our greatest motivator.  Some might say happiness, but love is greater than happiness.  Happiness is whimsy, it comes and goes.  It has no purpose.  Love is eternal.  It informs us of who we are.  We define our selves by what we love.  


This is the greatest unspoken pain of depression.  If you can, imagine not being able to feel love.  You can act it out, your love, but not feel it.  Some people would argue love is an action, and not a feeling.  Now, I understand the desire behind that statement.  Most healthy people struggle with their emotions greatly.  They are desperate for some measure of control, as emotions are scary.  Sorry to say it is still a lie.  The depressed person knows this all too well.  They are forced to live everyday acting opposite of what they feel.  Everything screams for an end, yet they keep on.  They act love they do not feel, and it a special kind of hell.  To not be able to truly affect is the greatest pain there is.  It is worse than losing a loved one, worse than being left by a loved one.  


To those on the outside, remember this when you look at the depressed person.  Imagine waking up and looking at those you know you love, but you cannot feel the love you know is in there.  Imagine trying to get out of bed with that.  Without love, life is so pointless.  You wake up and think, "Who cares."  You just want to make another day.  You push on because you remember a time when you once felt love, and deep down, buried beneath the mountain of pain, you hope you will feel it once again.   Keep that perspective when you speak to them.  This isn't to say you should coddle.  Sometimes depressed people need a good nudge, and they don't have a free pass to act poorly.  However, it should give your heart an enormous amount of grace for them.  It should break your heart for them.  It should give you, as one who does feel love, and feels it for them, the desire to encourage often.  It should give you the ability to understand them a little better what they are experiencing, that you might act wisely.


To those in the thick of it, all you need to know is that love will come back if you have the courage to persist.  It will.  I lived without being able to feel love for over ten years.  It was a certain type of living hell.  Like you, I thought it would never end.  I was stuck, broken, not fixable.  The power of the darkness was too strong, unbeatable.  I am living proof that is not true.  My heart beats, it bleeds love, and it does so for you.  My affection for you, though you are a stranger, is what drives me to write these articles, as there is surely no glory nor benefit to be had otherwise.  This heart that once felt so dead I used to think, "If they only knew how dead I was, they would have a funeral for me right now.  Nicholas Laning died years ago, and they don't even know it.  All that is left is this brain sitting atop this body.  My soul is somewhere else."  That same heart now beats with love.  It weeps.  I am moved to tears even as I write this thinking about you.  If I feel love after what I went through, you can too.  You can love again.  You can.  Hear it.  You can love again.  Your heart can love again.  Beauty can return.  You will one day again look up at the stars and be moved, see your mother's face and remember her presence, even see yourself in the mirror and like your own life again.  You will.  Just keep on fighting.  Keep having hope beyond hope.  Don't quit.  I am proud of you for your fight.  So proud.  Just keep fighting.  I am praying for you right now.