This verse is truly a double-edged sword. It cuts both ways. It gives us so much hope that we have the ability to have victory. On the other hand, it let's us no there is no getting off the hook. There is no excuse for our sin.
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"Temptation" by Nicholas L. Laning |
As I read this verse to put in here, it really sank in to me that this is a constant truth. God doesn't say sometimes I'll provide an escape, or occasionally you'll have the ability. It is a simple statement. You, I, have the ability to overcome temptation. God will ALWAYS provide an escape.
That includes the temptations met during depression.
I spend most of my time on this blog trying to crack through the walls of ignorance and stigma that surround being clinically depressed. It is not the same as normal depression. It is not an emotional phase. It is a physical unbalancing of the chemicals in the brain and the hormones of the body that greatly affect the emotions. When emotions shift, if one is not very strong, so does the thinking. I pound away at those on the outside, the loved ones, not out of anger but a loving desire to help, that they might have grace and understanding, to be sympathetic.
And yet, I don't want to come across saying something I'm not. I am not one of those people that believes that depression is the only hurt. It is simply the hurt I was given, and the one I am qualified to thus speak on. I am also not in any way trying to encourage anyone to think that depressed people should be coddled to or given everything they want. Hear me, people on the outside, depression is awful. It is beyond awful. Yet, it is not so awful that those who are fighting it have an excuse to sin.
Hear it, depressed people. Hear it from the word of God above, not from me. I am just reiterating. Being depressed does not give you an excuse to treat people poorly, to be mean, to manipulate. We all struggle extra hard when we hurt, and there should be grace and understanding. When you lash out, when the pain causes you to do or say something mean or hurtful, to do something awful, those around you should not leave you. They should have grace for you. Then, if they really love you, they will calmly remind you what I am now, that your pain, while enormous, while we are proud of you for fighting so hard, does not give you an excuse to sin. Period. Yes, it is going to be extra extra hard.
"Nicholas," you say, "No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. That's what it says, but this is not common."
Everyone who struggles with depression thinks that. I don't know what it is about depression. I did it too. I fought my mother tooth and nail for YEARS on this. She would tell me I was depressed, that other people were too, but noooooo my pain was different. It wasn't. The pattern was there. I just didn't want to believe it. Even once I accepted that I was depressed I thought depression to be this super rare thing, and thus there was different standard. Nope. Depression is super common. As a matter of fact, it is the third most common disease in the world, according to the World Health Organization, and as it is the fastest growing, will soon be THE most common disease on planet Earth. That does not lessen the magnitude of its awfulness one iota. That doesn't lessen your struggle, but it does mean you are not alone at all. The temptation you feel when depressed, whatever that may be, to be angry, to lash out, to manipulate, to use others, say through sex, to try and feel better, they are all common to man. This verse absolutely includes the clinically depressed.
Obeying is hard enough when well, when whole. You have been given an extra hard task. We all take our turn bearing heavy loads. You're not alone. You are not unique in that. We all do it in our own time. We don't have excuse either. Consider it pure joy that you have such an immense victory ahead of you. Rejoice that you have a God that is with you every step of the way. Keep fighting. Keep obeying. Don't quit.
As always, remember that God loves you deeply. I am praying right now for the end to this dreaded disease, that it would be finished off like polio. In the mean time, I pray that all of you, whether on the outside or in, would be given understanding, courage, hope, peace, and love. May love abound between you. May people be amazed at the love you show and share in the midst of such horror. Amen. Feel free to write me if you need to talk or have a question you want me to try to answer.
Nicholas L. Laning
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