Here are some questions for those of you who are struggling to believe that depression is real, and not just something you can "get over".
- Are your emotions not tied to chemicals and hormones?
- Do you believe in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?
- If so, then why would you struggle to believe in depression?
- Is it possible that you simply don't want it to be true?
- Are all one hundred million people (that we know of) in the world right now that claim to be struggling with depression all faking it? Really?
- If you struggle to believe in depression because you cannot see it, then why not struggle to believe in other invisible diseases, such as a cold? Yes, they manifest themselves outwardly. So does depression, does it not?
- The belief that spiritual things are tied to physical is not hard to believe. Would you not believe that you have a spirit, a soul? Are you not also tied to a body? Then why is it difficult to believe that a spiritual thing such an emotion would be tied to a physical thing such as chemical or hormone? Though they are surely more than physical, are your thoughts not connected to the physical reaction of electrons firing within your brain?
- Your emotions can be affected by many physical things. Are our emotions not altered whenever suffer from a cold? The flu? Eating chocolate?
- Have you ever been drunk? High? Under anesthesia? Did not those chemicals effect the way you felt emotionally?
- Aren't there things that you cannot seem to overcome? Lust? Anxiety? Selfishness?
- Think about the correlation between depression and teenagers. What is the defining characteristic of being a teenager? Is it not the maturation of your body, which includes huge hormonal changes? (The teenage male's testosterone increases 20 to 25 times what it was as a child!)
- Just because you don't understand it doesn't make it not real. Do you understand astrophysics? Does your ignorance mean that you believe astrophysics to be unreal, or fake?
- Would you tell someone struggling with the flu to just "get over it"? What about cancer? Paralysis? Are there not some things that have to be overcome with time? Could it be that depression is one of those things?
- Would you ask someone who had a broken leg to run? Then why would you expect someone who is depressed to act as if there is nothing wrong?