*Submit Your Depression Art to me at laningphoto@gmail.com so that I can post it.
Cloud of Negativity by Nicholas L. Laning |
Depression by Nicholas L. Laning |
Depression II by Nicholas L. Laning |
I would love to hear some comments about these last two pieces. I have never been a huge abstract guy at all. I prefer Rembrandt, Monet, and Sargent like most people. I have to admit, there has been something very cathartic about creating these. I just tried to create what I thought depression looked like in an abstract way. What do you think?
Self Pity by Nicholas L. Laning |
The Abyssic Ocean by Nicholas L. Laning |
Storm Coming In Over The Irish Sea by Nicholas L. Laning |
The Silver Lining by Kathleen E. Laning |